September 3, 2020

new moon february 2020 forever conscious

Prana means ‘energy’ or ‘life force’ and this particular Mudra awakens and energizes the body so we are ready to take on the year that’s unfolding. My interpretations are only here as fuel to inspire your own sacred connection with the energy of the Moon.The February Full Moon falls on the 8th or 9th of the month, depending on your time zone. If there are fears you have been holding onto, if there are things you would rather not look at, or pains that have felt just too heavy to carry, allow a little space for this Full Moon energy to hold you. Intuitive Astrology: Leo New Moon August 2020. Leo Full Moon Ritual February 2020. New moon February 2020 is at the midpoint of Mars trine Uranus which brings opportunities to develop your natural talents and reach your full potential. This number may seem like a lot, but having this goal will help you dig deep and unearth some things you never knew about yourself.New Moons are a wonderful time to embrace the new, however with We may feel that a seed has been planted, but our attention may be drawn to creating the perfect environment for that seed, rather than what the seed may blossom to become.Something will be unlocked for us under this New Moon energy, but we will have to be patient and give it some time to take root and bloom.Clear space to receive this energy and be open to diving into a deeper truth.Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. To watch the memories, the pains, the dreams, and the triggers. Since the start of the year, we have been walking the bridge between the old and the new. It will beam down rays that remind us that our dreams can indeed become reality.Mars will drive our ambition and remind us that we are worthy. When Leo holds space for the Full Moon, its like a ray of light shining down on all that feels dark and heavy in our lives.Leo is a fire sign that reminds us to connect with all that lights us up. Mars’ energy will help inspire us to push past any fears that are holding us back or keeping our inner light small. Honor the fact that you are talented, you are gifted, and that you do indeed bring so much value to this world.We all have things we are naturally gifted at, but sometimes it is hard for us to see them in ourselves. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. This is the watery depth this New Moon is asking us to enter.It’s asking us to take a dive to the bottom of the ocean within us, not to analyze, pick apart, or judge what is there, but to simply observe. Recognize that your body is more than 70 percent water. It is only when you step outside it all for a moment, that you see the lines of reality are often blurred.Beyond the ethereal qualities of this watery Pisces New Moon, it also forms a configuration known as a Talent Triangle with Uranus and Mars. Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: August 10-16, 2020. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats. ... My interpretations are only here as fuel to inspire your own sacred connection with the energy of the Moon.

To see them floating by like they are a part of you, but not really you.The magical harmony of the Pisces New Moon will guide us within, helping to open and unlock our intuition, our hidden depths, our creative potential, and our connection with the Divine.Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so under this energy, we may also find ourselves feeling a sense of completion or reflecting on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months.When we look back in time, we may feel as if certain events and memories were nothing more than a dream. It is a time to connect to our own inner Sun, the core of who we are.There is a Sanskrit mantra that recently came into my awareness which I feel supports this Full Moon energy perfectly- “Feel into those words for a moment. Under the power of the Taurus New Moon, we are being called to think about what we wish to create. Tanaaz. In astrology, the core of who we are is represented by the Sun, and with the Full Moon in the ruler of the Sun, we can all dive deep and feel into the truth of whatever our reality is.Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. February’s New Moon is truly one of the best this year, and carries with it an optimistic vibration and one that will help all of us to take that leap into the new.. Within you is the same ocean that ebbs and flows with the cycle of the Moon. The February 2020 new moon is amplified by a positive aspect pattern and a helpful […] But life is like that sometimes. Understanding Tarot: The Hanged Man. The main theme for this month is uncovering and taking hold of our personal power and strength, as we begin a new year and experience the fated alignment of Pluto and Saturn. There are many layers to this Full Moon so I encourage you to vibe with what you feel. To help guide us through these themes, the ‘Prana Mudra’ hand gesture is featured.

About the author. These three planets are interlocked, their energy flowing harmoniously back and forth, creating a portal of influence.As the name suggests, this Talent Triangle will guide us to unlock our talents and natural gifts. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. Add Comment. Forever Conscious Library; Recent Posts.

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