September 3, 2020

books about the great society

Keyword searches may also use the operators Submit your email address to receive Barnes & Noble offers & updates. . . This history of good intentions, government overreach, and terrible results offers lessons for both policy makers and voters today. 10, October 1999 Welcome back. In the alternative timeline of the post-Cuban Missiles War the swinging sixties never happened. I would rank college funding very high, along with health care for the elderly. These are the most influential books in terms of impacting society, texts that helped changed people's views on racism, feminism, consumption, and language. The tails-clad Cogwell, tongue firmly in cheek, took credit on behalf of his gang for the success of Nixon’s law-and-order campaign: “Spoiler alert: Shlaes’s quest to find socialism in the Great Society comes up empty. A comprehensive assessment of the federal initiatives of the 1960s — their successes, failures and missed opportunities — should extend across both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Amity Shlaes’s “ Great Society: A New History ” is a thesis in pursuit of a past.

Medicare and Medicaid, combined with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, further compelled hospitals and nursing homes to admit patients without regard to race or national origin and to treat them with respect and professionalism.The most insightful parts of Shlaes’s book are those where she puts aside her socialism-hunting to consider elements of a new order taking shape. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Shlaes has rendered a book for the ages.An illuminating alternative to sentimental reminiscences of liberals’ attempts in the banish poverty in America.

In this meticulously researched and detailed U.S. economic history of the turbulent years of 1960–71, Shlaes (Calvin Coolidge Presidential Fnd.) Key among these was the development of the computer industry in California and the anti-hierarchical, iconoclastic culture of upstart businesses like Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel.


31, No. Some people love books. “The New Deal created a forgotten man,” writes the author, chair of the board of the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

Based on traditional Latin American ... Great Society is accurate history that reads like a novel, covering the high hopes and catastrophic missteps of our well-meaning leaders." 31, No. Shlaes (Coolidge, 2013, etc.) No industries were nationalized during the 1960s. Shlaes’s chronicle is not just a story of how good people’s good intentions went wrong. We’d love your help. There’s no indication in this account, for example, that the Great Society was made possible by voter revulsion against the radical conservative views of the 1964 Republican presidential nominee, Barry Goldwater.

Great Society casts new light on other figures too, from Ronald Reagan, then governor of California, to the socialist Michael Harrington and the protest movement leader Tom Hayden. RICH.” But she also notices how Japanese automaker Toyota leapfrogged Detroit in the ’60s in part by respecting factory workers enough to include them in the process of innovation and improvement, as opposed to the “ritualistic class war” that characterized sclerotic U.S. companies and unions.Shlaes also has an eye for some of the absurdities of the era, such as the Office of Economic Opportunity’s effort to win public support for its program by producing a 90-minute televised special called “It’s What’s Happening, Baby!” The emphasis on community action that carried over from Democratic to Republican administrations meant that one of the guests at a Nixon inaugural ball was Mickey Cogwell, a member of Chicago’s notorious Blackstone Rangers gang. You can view Barnes & Noble’s Privacy Policy Auto Suggestions are available once you type at least 3 letters.
Talmage Boston seeks to find out what it was that made our major presidents tick However, the book details that Great Society was also misguided in some ways. Please click the button below to reload the page. Start by marking “The Great Society (Timeline 10/27/62 - USA Book 3)” as Want to Read: . Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man, delivers a brilliant and provocative reexamination of America’s ... By that afternoon, she saw the world—quite literally—upside down. It is also a story of how the assumption that the near future will closely resemble the recent past can lead even the best intentioned and most well-informed people to pursue policies that turn out to be mostly counterproductive and often destructive.

By the time Johnson took office, mainly two groups of Americans were uninsured: the elderly and the poor. ‘The Great Society’ is Book 3 of the alternative history series Timeline 10/27/62 – USA. An unknown error has occurred. She bemoans that the provisions that prohibited business owners from discriminating against African Americans deprived such individuals of the authority of their own conscience, “substituting a federal, national conscience to overrule them.” In addition, she adds darkly, the civil rights laws “set a precedent for federal supremacy over states to an extent some of the Constitution’s authors would have likened to tyranny.”Since the civil rights movement appears here principally as an agent of potential oppression, it’s unsurprising that Shlaes pays little heed to the ways desegregation was central to the Great Society. “Joe Nassise has raised the bar for the whole genre.” —Jonathan Maberry, New York Times ...
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Even at the time, Johnson’s pledge to eliminate (rather than mitigate) poverty and racial discrimination struck many observers as hubristic overreach.

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