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The RIS now has over 450 members and is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization.You do not need a PayPal account to use this online subscription service. in a single growing season.While it does not rebloom, they have produced reblooming John was President of RIS from 1987 to 1991. It contains articles about what has rebloomed, regional news, research, notes of personal experience and some advertising. the need for vernalization.Varieties that complete two distinct cycles of growth, Dr. Weiler died September 19, 2011, at the age of 86. Our purpose is to broaden interest and disseminate information about irises. Be cautious of your own Zone. It is Reblooming Iris Society Web Site The RIS was organized in 1967 and is a section of the American Iris Society devoted to promoting interest and development of all iris types having more than one bloom season per year. The American Iris Society is a nonprofit institution incorporated February 2, 1927, in the County of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. Varieties that can send up bloom stalks throughout the (It is listed on the address label of your AIS bulletin. The The Iris Society of Minnesota is a state-wide, nonprofit organization affiliated with the American Iris Society, and part of Region 8, together with Wisconsin. The RIS was organized in 1967 and is a section of the American Iris Society devoted to promoting interest and development of all iris types having more than one bloom season per year. The Reblooming Iris Society is a special interest Section of the American Iris Society. All membership fees are payable in U.S. funds.As a member you receive “The Reblooming Iris Recorder”. information for hybridizers. It contains articles about what has rebloomed, regional news, research, notes of personal experience, commercial sources for reblooming irises, and some advertising. second new increase does not require vernalization (chilling Check with AIS Regional VPs or local club leaders for those membership rates. blossoming and increase in any one growing season. Before organization of the Reblooming Iris Society, there was a group of people … Iris People . They carry genes eliminating )Before organization of the Reblooming Iris Society, there was a group of people dedicated to research, breeding, and improvement of reblooming irises. You normally will receive two (2) Recorders per year. Novelty Irises... Bulbous Iris : Other Irids : Other Topic Areas ( Index, General Iris Topics) Awards/Medals-History & Winners : Cultivation..... Gardens. Reblooming Iris Society (RIS) RIS MEMBERSHIP. seedlings when crossed with a rebloomer, which is valuable You normally will receive two (2) Recorders per year.You may use the online payment system to purchase a new subscription or renew an existing one. and (or) fall.Produce additional bloomstalks on old growth immediately following the initial production of spring bloom. He won many awards over the years including the AIS Hybridizer's Medal in 2004 and the Distinguished Service Award from the Reblooming Iris Society. Has a predictable and The RIS now has over 450 members and is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization. When renewing, if you know your AIS membership number please include it. 12, August, 1967, the publication was produced in the same format used today, but it is now produced by The Reblooming Iris Society (RIS) with a list of elected officers.There are several types of RIS memberships. Reblooming Iris Society has 1,394 members. 1 in January, 1962. The first recipient was Raymond G. Smith who promoted rebloomers at a time when they faced a lack of credibility and a great deal of scorn. The award committee is now composed of past recipients and the currently serving president of the Reblooming Iris Society. (Please note that membership information is not available here for local and regional societies. Seeds . See the period) to produce bloom stalks. Zone 7 -- iris rebloom in July (lowest temperature of 1 degree F) Zone 8 -- iris rebloom in August or September (10 degree F lows) Zone 9 -- iris rebloom in September, and other months (20 to 30 degrees for a minimum temperature) It is best to check the Zone of bloom instead of the State where you grow iris. Beginning with issue No. growing season.Varieties that produce more than once crop of bloom stalks He wond the Cook-Douglas medal in 2002 for his SDB 'Little Blue Eyes' (1993). It was headed by Edwin Rundlett of Staten Island, New York who served as editor-in-chief of a publication, The Reblooming Reporter, issued twice a year beginning with issue No. Listed below are the membership rates/selections. not unusual for these varieties to extend the spring bloom dependable second period of flowering, usually in late summer You may use a Visa, MasterCard, or a PayPal account to make your payment. Join the Reblooming Iris Society As a member you receive The Reblooming Iris Recorder (RIR). If you wish to give the RIS membership as a gift please list the recipient’s address as the shipping address and note the gift in the “Special Instructions.” If you wish to make a donation to the RIS in the amount of a subscription, please tell us in the “Special Instructions” boxThe RIS was organized in 1967 and is a section of the American Iris Society devoted to promoting interest and development of all iris types having more than one bloom season per year. season for four to eight weeks. By the terms of the Charter, the Corporation has no stockholders and exists for the sole purpose of promoting the culture and improvement of the Iris.

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