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Things like this are a disaster waiting to happen when the tree matures. It won't be a high priority for them. In twenty years you will see you should have planted it ten or fifteen feet away. I just recieved notice of their spraying here. In addition to the thumbnail picture, which is clickable for a larger image, explore the photo directory to see a... Read More. Generally, courts have agreed that the right of the general public to receive electric service supersedes the right of an individual property owner to have trees on his or her land left untouched. Additionally, after having allowed the utility company onto their property to trim trees near power lines, the property owner may be required to dispose of (and pay for the disposal of) trees, branches and/or foliage or vegetation that has been trimmed and cut down by the utility. Our vegetation management program helps minimize storm damage and power outages. If you love your tree so much, you should care for it. Bearing witness is the next entry in this blog. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. That means removing trees that could grow 15 feet or higher. The ultimate purpose of pruning and removing trees near our lines is to minimize electrical hazards and reduce power interruptions. will be cut above the interfering material. the skill company has a top of way for their lines. If one of our vegetation management crews is working in your area and you want to arrange for delivery, please contact us. I have to pay higher electric bills so PSO can trim your tree or fix damaged lines. “We try to be consistent with moving crews through the area, but we try a couple times to make contact with the homeowners.”. yes if they are into the power lines they will - they will also spray anything that is in the way of the powerlines. If a utility fails to act or vegetation contacts a power line and causes an outage, the federal government could fine the utility company $1 million per day. “They can even make it retroactive, saying the utility should have known about the risk,” Chambers said. To ensure reliable electrical service to our customers, we have either acquired or been granted a legal right to access lands owned by other parties in order to change or maintain our facilities. It is cheaper to cut the tree down than to buy the wood. That means removing trees that could grow 15 feet or higher. Sorry if my question doesn't make since, this is only my second question. Years later. Outside the easement, the homeowner owns the land completely, and has a right to reasonably eject trespassers (including AEP/PSO). The utility company in 1953 purchased easements in order to have the full legal right to the strip of land under a high-power line. I think they were cottonwood. Cut trees and bushes near power lines Legally, the owner of the property has the responsibility to trim a tree should it look like it’s about come into contact with power lines., but I have heard of many cases where they will do the work themselves without charging. Obtenez des réponses en posant vos questions maintenant. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on March 31, 2005 10:42 PM. Some of the functionality and menus may not be available with this browser. Demand to be on site when the tree trimming is done. 253 0 obj <>stream Contact us with your questions. The Power Company's Side Whenever people complain about indiscriminate and heavy-handed tree cutting, power companies invariably respond by pointing out that their primary responsibility is to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity to customers. With the current storms and everything I've been worried that if it comes down during a storm, my husband and I will be responsible for paying to have the power company … During routine inspections, we sometimes find tree branches and limbs growing into our transmission or distribution lines. Easements, also called rights of way, give Alabama Power Company the right to use another landowner’s property to construct, operate, and maintain transmission facilities such as towers, poles, lines, guys, anchors, and all communication lines necessary or convenient in connection therewith. Asplundh … All rights reserved. Dunn said anyone with a concern about trees near power lines can call Oncor at 1-888-313-6862 to schedule an inspection. “We’re not required to notify residents,” Stephens said, saying many homeowners choose not to contact the company because they know there isn’t anything they can do to save an incompatible tree. h�b```e``������� Ā B�@9�\��J�0�h�k?��P2�� A phone call is free. Wood chips are available, free of charge, in areas where our vegetation management crews are working. Be firm � don�t let them cut outside the easement just because they want to. Que pensez-vous des réponses? Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. Know where your easement is and how big it is. %%EOF Sorry if my question doesn't make since, this is only my second question. When emergency efforts to restore power require the removal of trees or limbs from power lines, the trees or limbs are left in as safe a manner as conditions allow. Remember that little tree planted three feet from your house or a power … If they pose a big risk to the power lines, the power company will typically remove the sections that place the lines at risk. Walk down the street and you see trees with trunks that split into two branches less than six feet of the ground. Educating homeowners helps “win the battle,” she said. In performing vegetation management, tree crews must consider public welfare (electric reliability) with tree aesthetics. Please upgrade your browser and/or operating system to improve your user experience.

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